The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) has an extensive mission program. We provide financial support through our budget and several special offerings. Our special offerings include: Presbyterian Answer to hunger (PATH/5 Cents-A-Meal); joining together with others in our Presbytery and around the country, the 5 Cents-A-Meal program addresses issues of hunger in our local area and around the world by asking individuals to donate 5 cents for every meal they eat. The offering is divided amongst PATH partners that enter into a 3-year covenant partnership with the Presbytery. Currently the 5 Cents-A-Meal partners include Second Harvest Food Bank, Society of St. Andrew, Alliance for International Reforestation (AIR) in Guatemala, and the Fruits and Vegetables Environmental Education of Madagascar. One Great Hour of Sharing - Traditionally received on Easter Sunday, One Great Hour of Sharing is a special offering that enables the church to share God's love with neighbors in need around the corner and around the world by providing relief to those affected by natural disaster, providing food to the hungry an helping to empower the poor and oppressed. This offering supports Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program, and the Self-Development of People Program. Pentecost Offering - Traditionally received on Pentecost Sunday, the Pentecost Offering is a special offering that helps the Church encourage, develop, and support its young people; and also is retained by our church to support a local program that helps children and youth. The remaining 60% is forwarded to PCUSA to support the Young Adult Volunteers (YAV) program, Ministries with Youth and additional programs for children at risk. Christmas Joy Offering - Traditionally received during the Advent Season, the Christmas Joy Offering is a special offering that helps provide financial assistance to current and former church workers and their families, and also enables deserving students to attend Presbyterian-related ethnic colleges and schools. Funds are distributed through the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and the office for Racial Ethnic Leadership Development.
Brevard - Indian River Presbyterian Mission Conference (BIRP). This is a unique coalition of 13 churches in Brevard and Indian River counties, with a focus in international projects. Every 1-3 years BIRP selects a country and special mission for support. In January there is Mission Week, with local, national, and sometimes international missionaries, who speak to the member churches about the projects. Each church provides financial support in the form of, depending on the church, budget, special offerings, or money raising projects. In just the past 10 years, we have partnered with churches and organizations in Haiti, Cuba, Madagascar, and Puerto Rico with a wide range of projects including feeding programs, leadership development, transportation, helping the victims of human trafficking and disaster relief. In 2014, our Presbytery entered into a partnership with del Centro Presbytery in Cuba. As part of that partnership we have sent members to visit churches to establish relationships, sent funds to place a water purification system in a church within the Presbytery, and supported initiatives to assist the presbytery with transportation and leadership training. We have sent members to Clean Water U, a ministry of Living Waters for the World, to train team members to install and train others in operating water purification systems. This is the system that was installed in Cuba and has been used in connection with past mission partners, including in Mexico. ECHO - ECHO is a knowledge hub for development practitioners around the world, collecting solutions to address hunger issues. Through development and dissemination of sustainable farming techniques, nutritional plans, and appropriate technologies, ECHO is able to teach those who are teaching farmers how to be more effective in producing food and community needs. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance - Presbyterian Disaster Assistance enables congregations and mission partners of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) to witness to the healing love of Christ through caring for communities adversely affected by crisis and catastrophic event. Colombia Kids financially supports educational opportunities for underserved children and families in Colombia, South America. We sponsor programs that improve the well-being of Colombian children living in poor communities. The programs emphasize love, acceptance and encouragement so that children feel self-confident and dream big. We work with organizations and churches to assist children in completing their educational goals and achieve academic success, which will in turn equip them to escape the cycle of poverty. We currently have projects in three cities: Cali, Armenia and Cartagena. Web site: Facebook:
We support Dan and Elizabeth Turk, mission co-workers in Madagascar since 1997. Dan and Elizabeth work with the Church for Jesus Christ in Madagascar (FJKM) on ministries involving health, environment, agriculture and safe drinking water. Dan works with FJKM's fruits, vegetables and environmental education project, teaching seminarians to cultivate plants so they can then teach the communities they serve, addressing food scarcity and nutritional deficit problems. Elizabeth focuses on community health and HIV/AIDS, as well as addressing clean water issues. Her work helps the church treat and prevent illnesses.
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