Every Sunday 10:00 A.M. Blended ServiceNursery provided
Christmas Eve, Holy Week, Easter Sunrise and othersHoly Communion: First Sunday of every month and selected Special ServicesHome communion available upon request
We offer two excellent music programs: Our Praise Band, which leads contemporary-style music during worship; and the Choir, which sings and anthem and leads hymns during worship. Both are under the leadership of our music director, Patti Loyd. We can always use more musicians. The band practices at 7:00 P.M. on Wednesdays, and the choir at 11:30 A.M. on Tuesdays.
Bible Study: Wednesdays at 12:00 P.M. in the libraryLenten Series Study: Wednesdays at 12:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. during the Lenten season
Men’s Christian Fellowship: 1st Sat. 8:00 A.M. @ Dottie’s RestaurantSenior Luncheon: 3rd Thursday of every month at a local restaurant beginning at 11:30 A.M.
Coffee and fellowship after each worship service. Variety of Church-wide Social Events – Fun, Fellowship and FoodIce Cream Social, Picnics, Harvest Meal, Trunk-or-TreatChristmas Dinner, Christmas Caroling, Bonfires, Anniversary CelebrationOther parties and special events – see calendar for details
SESSIONS: Provides for the administration of the work of the church and leadership developmentParticipates in Presbytery activities. Meets monthly. Current members 2021: Marsha Carter, Sue D’Imperio, Jack Dayton, Mike Nardelli, John Yust, Cassie Clark, David Collins, Jamie Woods and Clyde Yust (Clerk) DEACONS: Cultivate and care for the welfare needs of members and friends. Provides transportation, visiting the ill, food pantry, receptions, and crisis needs.Meets monthly. Current members 2021:Celia Keen, Vince D'Imperio, Mavis Mattadeen, Joanne Ritter, Judy Rutter, Ronnie Dayton, Fumie Kohn and Terry Twardzik. COMMISSIONED LAY PASTOR: Along with the Pastor, serves the pastoral care needs primarily of the ill and shut-ins. At the discretion of the Pastor and Session, preaches and provides other pastoralduties.
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